
We are a qualified practice accredited by NHS Scotland for GP Training. This means that we have working with us qualified doctors who have had several years experience in hospital medicine and are now training to be a GP.

At any time there may be a GP Trainee/Trainees working alongside the established GP partners. These doctors are attached to the practice for 6 or 12 months of their GP Training Program, the remainder of which is undertaken in hospital.

They will be supervised when in practice by their accredited trainer who is one of the regular GP partners. As part of their training they are expected to video a number of consultations and we are grateful to those patients who permit this.

The recorded consultations are:

  • used for analysis and assessment alongside their Trainer
  • in order to improve and develop GP consulting skills
  • only done so with the express permission of the patient, and can be declined by the patient
  • reviewed in confidence between the Trainee and Trainer for the purposes of training
  • stored safely or encrypted when awaiting review
  • erased once viewed

Many thanks for your cooperation in this to assist in training GPs for the future. 

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